Fact Sheet

Workplace fridge and freezer essentials

We spend most of our day at work, so what we eat during this time can make or break our healthy eating habits. Having a selection of nutritious foods stashed in your work fridge means that when hunger strikes, you can create a quick and healthy snack or meal.

Our top go-to foods are budget friendly and readily purchased, making it just that little bit easier to make it through to pay day. 

  1.  UHT or fresh milk– UHT milk is just as nutritious as fresh and saves the dreaded sour milk experience. Use milk to add to cereals or oats for breakfast at your desk or make a milk-based drink or coffee.The calcium will boost the strength of your bones and the protein will encourage cell growth and strength.
  2. Sliced cheese– add to crackers or corn thins as the base ingredient for a tasty snack or a more substantial meal.
  3. Cream cheese or cottage cheese– spread on bread, crackers, corn thins or use as a dip for vegie sticks. Delicious with flavoured tuna or salmon on corn thins. 
  4. Dip – choose a vegetable or yoghurt based variety such as hummus or tzatziki. Dip your vegie sticks as a way to increase your vegie intake or add to your crackers or toast.
  5. Yoghurt –an easy snack. Eat on its own or add to fresh, frozen or canned fruit. Choose a reduced fat variety and look out for those with less sugar.
  6. Vegetable sticks– slice them at home or slice them at work. Try the traditional favourites carrot and cucumber and experiment with capsicum and snow peas for variety. Use your dip or cottage cheese to add even more flavour. 
  7. Salad ingredients– keep your favourites in the crisper and make up a salad or a sandwich for lunch. Try something new like baby spinach leaves or sliced fennel to keep it interesting.
  8. Boiled eggs–bring them from home and add to sandwiches or eat alone for a tasty and protein rich snack.  
  9. Frozen bread – keeps well in the freezer. Make it your go-to for toast or to make a sandwich. Spread it with your dip or cream cheese or make a toasted sandwich.
  10. Frozen fruit loaf– an easy pleaser! A wonderful snack or breakfast at your desk, just be mindful to only add a thin scraping of spread. Fruit toast smells as  amazing as it toasts – you will make all your colleagues hungry!
  11. Grated cheese – fantastic on a toasted sandwich and can be added still frozen. Also good defrosted and sprinkled over salads.
  12. Frozen berries– add these to yoghurt or eat as is. Boost your fruit intake and get a hit of antioxidants as well.
  13. Individual serve frozen vegetable portions– jam packed with nutrients and so convenient. Heat in the microwave and then add to a microwave rice sachet – top with canned tuna or salmon. Or add to your leftovers from home to boost the veg content. Too easy and so tasty

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